Smart Street Lighting Management Software
A user-friendly, web-based solution for centralized, efficient public lighting management for municipalities of any size.
Smart Street Lighting Management Software
User-Friendly Lighting Control
Seamless navigation to essential street lighting information with our intuitive, user-friendly interface;
Tech-Powered Cloud Solution
Our web-based solution leverages the latest technology to deliver comprehensive security, scalability, accessibility, and compatibility for our clients.
Centralized Street Lighting Control
Efficient centralized management of public lighting with luminaire and sensor data access
On Any Device, Anywhere
Public lighting control at your fingertips with the help of responsive design technologies
Powerfull Analytics Tool
Powerfull tools like reports, alerts, graphs and saving analytics will deliver all information from the streets.
All Smart City Data in One Place
Data of various smart city elements: like EV charging, weather and air quality sensors, noise level and traffic cameras, easy to integrate using open API interface and easy to customise user interface;
User-Friendly Control Center
A user-friendly map based dashboard allows easy management and overview of street lights from any device, such as a desktop, laptop, or mobile. This makes it easy for authorized personnel to monitor and adjust street lighting and save energy while improving safety.
User-Friendly Control Center
Dynamic Schedule Management
Dynamic Schedule Management
System allows for flexible control over the brightness of street lights or groups of lights, utilizing interactive dimming graphs to set custom schedules for specific weekdays or special dates. Furthermore, the on/off switching times of the lights can be effectively managed through remote adjustments of astroclock and ambient light levels sensor.
Adaptive Lighting Control
Maximize energy savings with remote, easy adjustability for motion, camera, and ambient light sensor parameters based on pedestrian, cyclist, car detection or tunnel configuration. Remotely adjustable detection criteria, event-related light points, dimming levels, and durations delivers maximum energy savings with just a few clicks.
Adaptive Lighting Control
Luminaire Picker CityDongle
The Luminaire Picker is a vital tool for street light installers and technicians using products. It enables quick and efficient input of luminaire, controller, pole data, and location through code scanning or manual input. The compact CDONGLE USB-C adapter enhances productivity by providing instant access to diagnostic and driver data, and parameter configuration. This streamlines the process, improving accuracy.

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Streetlight Operations Optimization
Streetlight Operations Optimization
System offers timely monitoring and identification of failures and immediate notifications through various system components, including software, mobile app, and SMS. Utilizing powerful, interactive GIS for fast fault localization helps to reduce maintenance costs, improve streetlight operations and public safety.
Powerful Data Analysis
Accurate data on energy usage, power consumption, burn time, dimming levels, driver diagnostics, and pedestrian or traffic flow can be used to improve public lighting by allowing for comparison and evaluation. Measurements from field weather, air quality, noise, traffic sensors etc. provide information that addresses city challenges beyond energy savings.
Powerful Data Analysis